Friday, October 26, 2012

Round #4

Dillon's MRI is good, and shows no signs of cancer.  His vision and hearing tests have remained stable.  So, we are on to round #4 of chemo.  He is eating a ton, and gaining weight.  We'll be back home in time to trick-or-treat.    Thanks everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.  

Friday, October 19, 2012


The boys had their Fall break from school - hunting season here - so we stayed in SLC for a few days and played around.   Dillon's blood counts have stayed good so far despite the chemo.  He's been feeling a little down lately, and truthfully we all have.  I guess the stress of this year is catching up.  Spencer is recovering from surgery, and Dillon helped take care of her - so sweet.   Ike is just trying to be Ike.    Dillon goes in for more MRI scans, and lots of tests next week before his next chemo round.  He's got three more to go.   We are praying everything looks good so far.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012


So, I've been slacking on writing posts here. But I was reminded that people actually read this for updates, so here ya go:
   Dillon has completed 3 rounds of chemo now, with 3 left to go.  He will have some more tests and brain scans at the end of this month to see how things look.   He is an amazing young man, and he is much happier than he was a few months ago.   He still uses a walker to get around but he is working hard in physical therapy and getting stronger every day.  He goes to school for 5-6 class periods a day, and he eats lunch with his friends.   He has a one-on-one helper at school, Mrs. Odde, and she helps him get around and complete his work. When he misses school, she brings the work home to him and teaches him.  It's been so great to have her in our lives, giving him the opportunity to succeed this year.  Thanks, Mrs. Odde for all you do!   Dillon got his feeding tube out about 6 weeks ago, and he's been gaining weight.  He ate so much in the hospital last weekend, the nurses were blown away - they said, "none of our chemo patients ever eat that much!"
   Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  And please keep Ike and Spencer in your prayers as well.  Thanks!