Friday, June 29, 2012


How can it be the end of June already?  Dillon's dinner was awesome, and we can't thank EVERYONE enough for all the love and support.  We are truly blessed.   I am so humbled by it all.
   Dillon is doing pretty good.  He is doing therapy at home, and going for outings, trying to get back to his life.  He's still not eating enough to get rid of the tube, but he's getting lots of good nutrition this way anyway.    Thanks to friends and family who have done so much for us and who continue to do so.  We couldn't get thru this without each of you!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Dillon is home at his mom's now.  His cats sure missed him a lot!   He is doing good, and we plan to be at the Dinner 4 Dillon on Monday.  Thanks everyone for your help!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Home sweet home!

Dillon is finally home, after 78 days in the hospital!  Thank you everyone for your prayers and all you've done to help us all.
  Dillon went to his dad's house today, and he will stay the week there, then he'll come to mom's house.  So the home health nurse, and pharmacist met us at home, and taught us how to work his pump for giving him his tube feedings.  Hopefully he will feel like eating again soon and the tube can come out.   He will start PT and OT and speech therapy at home next week.  And he is SO happy to be home again.

Last Day

Final day of radiation and we are out of here. Had a hiccup last night that gave us a scare but we got through it and now onto the final day. Some loose end to finish up but it's looking good. Lots of hard work has paid off. Dillon is doing amazing and is SO ready to be out of here!!! Ok we all are ready to be home!!!! Thanks again for all the visits, cards, prayers and love. We will continue to post updates.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dillon gets his last dose of chemo tomorrow, then 3 more radiation treatments, and Friday he is done!  We are hoping they will let him go home this weekend.  He has had a good week so far, so keep praying that it continues.  Thursday will be 11 weeks he's been in the hospital.  We can't wait to take him home.   He has made so much progress.  He is reading again, and today he walked on the treadmill for a while, and he wrote with his right hand again!  He'll be shufflin' in no time.  Thanks everyone!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dillon has 5 (count em, five!) radiation treatments left!  After this week he gets a break and will be able to come home.  Home for a few weeks before he starts the heavy-duty chemo.  Pray for a good week with getting stronger, keeping blood counts up, no infections, and getting through the last week of radiation.  Thanks everyone!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 67 here in beautiful PCMC, LOL.   Dillon is down to only 9 radiation treatments left!!!  Hooray.  He's done 22 treatments already.  He has some burns from the radiation which are pretty painful, but he does his PT, OT, and speech therapies anyway.  He doesn't want to eat or drink anything, so he gets all he needs through the IV's and feeding tube.  He doesn't even want to eat chocolate!  Can you imagine?  Today he got his usual Monday fever and chills, so he's not feeling so great, but tomorrow he'll wake up and do it all again.
Spencer and Ike are out of school now.  Spencer got Dillon's yearbook signed by all his friends for him - awesome sis she is!  Ike is doing basketball camp this week, and Dillon is working his way outta here.............

Friday, June 1, 2012

Little by Little

There is a quote in the Gym @ Primary Children's that I wanted to share...

Little by little, inch by inch;
By the yard it is hard.
By the inch, what a cinch;
Never stare up the stairs, Just step up the steps;
Little by little... Inch by inch.
By: Ron Hamilton

Keep up the great work Dillon.... Sure love ya kiddo!Ü