Friday, August 31, 2012

8th grade

Dill had a great first few days of school.  He is very determined to stay in school and work hard - he is amazing.  And being around friends has been the best medicine yet!  He is happier, for sure.  We are back at PCMC for round 2 of chemo, but back to school next week.  Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Round one, cont......

Dillon spent two days in the hospital getting blood transfusions and antibiotics, then came home.  He's been tired but doing ok.  Today his blood counts are in the "normal human" range again - hooray!  School starts Monday. His sweet sister Spencer is going to be his guardian angel at school and help him around.  We will see how much school he tolerates each day, and he can get some home school to make up time what he misses.   He only has a few days of school before he starts Round 2 of chemo.   Thanks everyone for checking in.  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Round 1 - continued

Dillon got a fever, went to the ER, and all his blood counts are dangerously low.  So he is back at PCMC.  He was feeling ok though.  So send some prayers and love everyone.  Thanks.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Round one - Check!

Round one of chemo done!  Dillon is truly a superhero.  He has done great so far, and worked hard today in physical therapy and ate some dinner.  He's improving every day.  The doctors are confident that his weakness will continue to improve.   We get to go home tomorrow.  Thank you everyone for your prayers - they work!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

No news...good news

Dillon spent the past few days in the neruo unit with a drain in his head, but it didn't change anything for him, so they decided a shunt wont be of any help.  We were kinda hoping for some "miracle" improvement in his weakness and blindness, but it's good that he doesn't need another surgery.
  So we moved back upstairs to ICS today, and after getting lots of IV fluids for hydration, we are about to start round one (of six) of chemo.  Hooray!   Good riddance to cancer!   Keep praying everyone.
   Thanks to everyone at Rocky Mountain Care who put on the yard sale and BBQ for Dillon today.  I have the best peeps there!   And thank you to everyone who supported it.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Next leg of the journey........

So Dillon had some tests Monday, before chemo Tuesday....but it turned in to more tests on tuesday and then some tests wednesday, and today he had a drain placed in his head to monitor spinal fluid.  We are waiting to see how he does with that and if he feels a lot better, he will have surgery to have a permanent shunt placed to drain fluid off his brain.  If nothing changes, the drain will come out and he can start chemo.  We travel around the hospital just like old times: we started in ICS, then PICU, now Neuro again.   We aren't even sure what to pray for at this point, so just praying that everything works out for the best.   The good news is that his MRI showed no signs of cancer.