Monday, August 20, 2012

Round one, cont......

Dillon spent two days in the hospital getting blood transfusions and antibiotics, then came home.  He's been tired but doing ok.  Today his blood counts are in the "normal human" range again - hooray!  School starts Monday. His sweet sister Spencer is going to be his guardian angel at school and help him around.  We will see how much school he tolerates each day, and he can get some home school to make up time what he misses.   He only has a few days of school before he starts Round 2 of chemo.   Thanks everyone for checking in.  


  1. We are SO GLAD things are looking better for Dill! You all are in our Prayers Daily! GOOD LUCK at School... that's Great he gets to go! :) I know Preston is SO PROUD of his Brother! He's Preston's HERO! :) As he is to SO MANY Others! Keep up the Good Work Dill! We all Love ya!
    Nick, Kerrie, Preston and Avery!

  2. I'm so glad Dillon gets to go to school! I'm so glad that the fever is better!!!! Continue to work hard! You are our hero! Hope you feel better soon & have a great 1st day of school! Spencer, you are so nice to help Dillon! Everyone needs a sister like you!!!!!


    JR, Jenny, James,Jacob & Jessica McMurtrey
