Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dillon is such a trooper.  Even when he doesn't feel good, he does his therapies, and goes for walks.  We really appreciate the visitors who came this weekend.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Dillon is doing ok.  He has a feeding tube now, so the extra calories will help him feel better and get stronger.  His awesome red hair is falling out now, so it makes him itchy.  The radiation has been rough, but he is more than halfway done with those treatments.  And he gets a break tomorrow, being a holiday.   He is kinda sad, so any friends that want to come visit may cheer him up.   Thank you everyone!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22

Hello people, Dillon wanted me to tell everyone to watch the local Salt Lake City news tonight (channels 5 and 13) and the Deseret newspaper tomorrow as he made his appearance at the Hyundai Hope on Wheels ceremony here at the hospital and had lots of photo opps!!! What a great day today. We have spend most of it outside and Dillon is doing amazing! Lovin it!!!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20

This kid is AMAZING! Dillon has made great improvements in the last few days. He has been working really Hard on feeling better and it sure is working. He has met some new friends and is enjoying visiting with them and trading movies and Xbox games with them. He is really missing all of his great friends!!!! With him feeling so much better I think he would really enjoy some visitors again, so I encourage you to come for a visit if it is possibible. Mornings and early afternoons the superstar is fairly booked up but late afternoons will probably be a great time for visitors. Call if you would like 307-679-0585 We will keep up the good work and get out of here ASAP!!!! Thanks for all of the prayers and help everyone has offered our family. It is very appreciated and is sure helpful!!!!!!
Dillon is doing better.  He is going to start this week doing therapies in the mornings, and radiation in the afternoons.  Hopefully he can get some strength back and get out of the hospital in another week or two.  We are trying to boost his spirits as best we can, but it's been a hard road.  We really appreciate everything that everyone is doing with bake sales, raffles, garage sales, dinners, and everything else all for Dillon.  We feel very blessed to have so many caring people out there.  Thanks everyone.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

7 weeks here

Dill has been here almost 7 weeks.  He is just hanging in there.  He had so much belly pain yesterday, the doctors worried he might have appendicitis, but he doesn't.  Dillon has had a rough time with all of this, more than normally expected,  and it doesn't seem to let up.  His fever came back last night.  He did chemo and radiation yesterday and today, and he did an awesome job.  I wish I could make him all better with a wave of a  magic wand.  Thanks everyone for your prayers and good vibes.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10

HUGE milestone!!!! Dillon was able to do his radiation with absolutely no sedation. Yay for DILLON. Great job!!!! He is feeling lots better and the fever has stayed gone. He has had a restful day, got to go outside for a bit and even got in a little therapy in. Ok that wasn't his favorite part. Bring on the feeling good! It's DILLON MELLE's turn again..... Love ya all thanks

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9th

Well today started in the middle of the night last night. Dill slept the day away yesterday with a fever and feeling lousy! So about midnight he was wide awake. We watched Indiana Jones, went on a little walk and chatted a little bit. Today he had radiation, it was a long one today (every 5 treatments the Radiologists have to re X-ray him to make sure he is positioned and radiated in the right places.) He came back, had a good long nap, a visit from his buddy Timber, and then off to room #8... We now reside on the 3rd floor! :) So far so good, but we will miss our nurses and techs from our home on the NTU 2nd floor.

Nurses'' Week

Just wanted to say Happy Nurses' Week to nurses everywhere, but especially those nurses taking such awesome care of Dillon.  We appreciate you more than you know.

Monday, May 7, 2012

So Dillon did chemo and radiation today, then spiked a high fever again.  He feels terrible, and so do I.  :-(    We don't know why he has another fever, but they did more blood cultures and started antibiotics again.  He needs lots of prayers again.  Hope tomorrow is a better day.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dillon got moved again today, back to the neuroscience trauma unit.  I think this is the 7th room we've had at PCMC.  Feels like home, LOL.   Dillon is doing better, blood counts are all ok (for now), and fever has been gone for a few days.  Tomorrow it's "back to work", since his job is to fight cancer, get stronger, and feel better.  Chemo, radiation, and therapy.  We've kinda worked out a schedule, so Dillon's mom stays with him for 3 days, then Angie stays a day, then his dad stays for 3 days.  Ike, Spencer, Preston, and Roxy visit when they can.
  Keep praying everyone.  Thank you all for sending us good vibes and prayers.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May 3rd

Dillon is doing better today. His fever is gone so he was able to resume chemotherapy and radiation. He is still pretty tired from being sick the last 2 days, so we skipped all therapies (PT, OT and speech) again today. His physical therapist Lisa still came to see him tho, she misses her favorite red head! We hope he will be able to go back to therapy tomorrow. Thanks again to all of our family and friends for the support and prayers, it is appreciated more than you know!:)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

***May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month *****
Rough day:  Dillon has had the fever all day, and he's now on some heavy duty antibiotics (ceftriaxone, Zosyn, and Vancomycin).  The decided he needs to be in the ICS (immunocompromised unit) instead of rehab unit.  So now he will still get therapy, but his new room is on the chemo floor.  It is quite an ordeal to move rooms because everyone has sent him so many cards, and gifts - it took 4 red wagons to get it all here!  Now we are in a new room with his own shower.  (we used to have to walk a ways to the "shower" room).   Not sure what's causing his fever, but he is getting awesome care.  Keep the prayers coming!
This morning, Dill spiked a fever.  So the doctors decided to run some cultures, and start antibiotics, and not have him go for radiation today.  Poor kid!  At least he gets outta therapy for the day.  Stay tuned...............