Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10

HUGE milestone!!!! Dillon was able to do his radiation with absolutely no sedation. Yay for DILLON. Great job!!!! He is feeling lots better and the fever has stayed gone. He has had a restful day, got to go outside for a bit and even got in a little therapy in. Ok that wasn't his favorite part. Bring on the feeling good! It's DILLON MELLE's turn again..... Love ya all thanks


  1. Dillon, we are thinking of you everyday, can't wait for you to feel better so we can go to the fair and take crazy pictures again..

  2. Sending tons of good vibes your way! Glad to hear Dillon had a good day! Hopefully one of a line of many! You all take care, Jean Goulet

  3. SO PROUD OF YOU DILL!! PRAYERS ARE BEING ANSWERED!!! :) You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday!! LOVE YOU KID!! Keep fighting Bud!

  4. Sounds like an awesome butt-kickin' day for Dillon! Great job bud! Always thinking of you and wishing you the best! -Gwen

  5. All the folks at ORMC ED are thinking about you Dillon! your Mom, Dad, and Grandma too!! Good to hear things are better, stay strong....we will all keep the prayers coming......

  6. I miss you Dillon, i am so glad you are doing better!! (: We need to go to the fair again!! STAY STRONG!! (: (:

  7. Yeah! Great great news. The first great day of many more to come. So proud of you Dillon! We hope your days only get better from here on out. love, the mortons and everyone we know!!

  8. Hope your weekend went well Dillon and that you continue to feel good. A lot of people are praying for you!

  9. Yeh Dillon... all of us at Aspen are wishing you the best... we are having two bake sales to help with the expenses for your parents and to make sure you know we remember you... keep up the good recovery... we are all thinking of you daily.

    Mrs. Demester and the Aspen Students

  10. Go Dilly!!! You ROCK!! Keep it up!!

    LOVE YOU!!!

    Lisa Taylor
