Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22

Hello people, Dillon wanted me to tell everyone to watch the local Salt Lake City news tonight (channels 5 and 13) and the Deseret newspaper tomorrow as he made his appearance at the Hyundai Hope on Wheels ceremony here at the hospital and had lots of photo opps!!! What a great day today. We have spend most of it outside and Dillon is doing amazing! Lovin it!!!!!!


  1. GOOD JOB Dillon!!! Keep up the hard work. We need to BUST you outta that place.
    LOve ya KId!!!
    Love Lisa!!!

  2. How does it feel to be a TV star?!! Your pics were awesome. Keep fighting Dillon. We miss you!
    Love Ya tons!! Michelle

  3. For those of us not in the Salt Lake City area please post pics if you can. Give the Dill a hug from all of us out here on the West Coast. XOXOX

  4. That is so awesome Dillon. So proud of you. Keep it up sweetheart. Love, kisses and hugs. Aunt Judi

  5. Noah wants to come and hang out with Dillon this weekend. Which day would be best? Saturday, Sunday or Monday?

