Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April 11th

Today has been a good day for our Dilly boy.:) He got the drain removed from his head that was helping with the removal of fluid from his brain. He also had ALOT of physical therapy and occupational therapy. He did amazing! He went up and down 2 flights of stairs and he did some activities with a beach ball and his brother Ike. After therapy he wanted to go for a cruise around the hospital. Then it was time for ice cream! After a good dinner, a hot shower and a few giggles, he was ready for bed! So here's to a very restful night so he can kick butt in therapy again tomorrow! Go Dillon, we love you Superman!


  1. I'm so glad Dillon is doing so well! I saw Diva in a story on the news tonight - which made me think of Dillon. I'm still praying for all of you! Hang in there!

    Peace and Love,

    Heather Ambrose

  2. Yeah Dillon. Keep up the good work. We`re all pulling for you at the Marshall White Center. Love, Ginny Stein

  3. so glad dillon is doing well.still sending prayers for a speedy recovery

  4. Good job Big D!! He is making progress and that is super!! Will make the time sometime next week to come visit. Can't wait to get him home. You all are so strong and amazing. HUGS to all of you... Darcy and Hayden

  5. SO GLAD Dillon is making progress! We think of him all the Time! He is constantly in our Prayers!! You really are such a Strong and AMAZING Kid!
