Thursday, April 5, 2012

Well, Dillon did not get to surgery today, because he somehow got a cookie into his belly, so they had to postpone surgery until tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is Good Friday, so it must be meant to be. He is very overwhelmed today and sad, but he is healing from his first surgery.
Ike and Spencer went back to school these past few days, and it's been good for them to take a break from the hospital scene and be with their friends. Preston had spring break this week, so he has spent a lot of time here with his little brother. Preston is also known as the "cookie monster" now. Mom, Dad, and Angie are also overwhelmed, and are so very appreciative of the support and love we have been shown. Keep the prayers coming.


  1. I had one of those cookies and I must say it was well worth skipping a surgery for;) Love you Guys, Gary and Jill

  2. I am really praying for dillon and his family and i will continue to every day

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