Friday, April 20, 2012

Thanks EMS friends!

WOW! We are all touched by the 95 (and counting) comments from his school. Keep em coming! It means a lot to Dillon and his family to see the love and support. Thank you all!
Dillon had another busy day in therapy, working hard. Lots of frustration and progress. We found out Dillon's spinal fluid has NO cancer cells. Hooray! However, the doctors may decide to take him back to surgery next week to biopsy another spot in his brain. Boo! We will know more after another MRI on Monday. Keep praying everyone!


  1. Two steps forward one step back. Think about you all every day and so appreciate this dam blog to keep updated. Our prayers are with you every hour of every day. Love you guys.

    1. Friends: PLEASE sign your name in comments- we don't know who is writing...... Thanks.

  2. Hey Dillon,
    Hang in there, I hope you feel bettre soon. We all think about you everyday. Social Studies isn't as much fun without you! So stay strong, and remember that we're all rooting for you!
