Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hard to believe Easter was a week ago. Dillon is doing great, and saying a few words here and there. He's walking all over and going up and down stairs. He still has a hard time seeing, and he probably wants to play X-box, instead he just listens while Ike and Preston play. Ike and Spencer have to go back to school tomorrow, after a week off for spring break. Brian and Ali are going to return to work a little this week. Brian and Angie got to take Dill to eat lunch at the Huntsman yesterday, which was a nice change, and yummy food. Thank you to everyone reading and sending good thoughts and prayers.


  1. That is such great news!!!! Lots of love and continued prayers coming your way. Ev & Nolan

  2. Glad to hear the progress. I wish we were closer for you guys. Glad to know you have such wonderful people in your life there. Love ya'll. Keep up the good work Dill.
    The Propsts

  3. Sounds like he is getting better and better every day! Forgot to tell you guys that I got a smile from him when we came to visit, made my day! We are always thinking of you guys!
    Gwen, Everett, Clayton Stiegelmeyer

  4. Was in Walmart today around lunch time... heard Dills song! I hear that song every day it seems!! Makes me smile and then cry a little!! Love you all!
