Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17

Yesterday Dillon had a spinal tap to test his cerebral spinal fluid, we wont know the results until Friday. Today we went to Radiation Oncology at the Huntsman Cancer Institute so they could make him a mask and do some scans to get ready for radiation treatment. It was very hard on Dillon to hold still enough, because it was uncomfortable and he was a little scared, so we are going to have to try again tomorrow. Tomorrow they will give him sedation to make it easier on him. Then they plan to start radiation treatments next week. We are in good hands. The doctors here work with cancer treatment centers all over the country to determine the best treatments for different cancers, and we are getting the latest and greatest treatments for Medulloblastoma.
Dillon is starting rehab (full-time) tomorrow, which doesn't change things much, just making him a rehab patient instead of a surgical patient. He is very busy with OT, PT, and Speech every day. He also has music therapy, and he sang along to "Red Solo Cup" yesterday (Toby Keith song). He is improving every day, but it's still pretty frustrating to him that he can't do all the normal things he used to do so easily. It's been really hard on all of us to see him struggle :-(
Ike and Spencer miss Dillon, being back in school. Tomorrow they have a half day, so Angie is bringing them both to hang out with their brother. It's so strange how quickly and drastically our lives have changed. We are so grateful (still!) to everyone who has helped. We couldn't get through this without good friends and family like you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey, Just wanted to check in & let you know that you are all in our thoughts & prayers! Sounds like Dillon is making great progress! We Love you all, & we have been thinking of you daily. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING you need!

    Love, The McMurtrey's

  3. Hey Dill! We just want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily! We are SO Glad to hear you are making Great Progress!!! I thought you'd like to know.. your Big Brother is dedicating his game today in honor of, "TEAM DILLON"!! We are getting him some grey tape so EVERY Game from here on out will be for "TEAM DILLON"! He LOVES YOU SO MUCH DILL!! Keep fighting Bud! SO MANY People LOVE YOU!!! Avery is still praying for Dill everynight in her prayers!! We Love you Bud!

    Nick, Kerrie, Preston and Avery!

  4. Dillon,
    Hey man! I just wanted to drop a line and say hi. I sure do miss you in class. You know me I can't send something without talking about science :) We finished watching "Never Cry Wolf" on Wednesday... great movie! When you get a chance check it out. There's not a day go by that I don't think about you... like I said I sure miss you in class. On the bright side no science homework :)
    Mr. Haider
