Monday, April 30, 2012

Today is the day we begin kickin' cancer's butt!
 This is day 31 since his first surgery.  Dillon got 2 chemotherapy drugs this morning (vincristine, which he'll get once a week, and carboplatin, which he'll get every day), before his radiation treatment.  He did terrific, slept through most of the chemo stuff.  Then Dillon watched some YOUtube videos, and we laughed and laughed.  When it was time, we got a ride from security to the Huntsman Cancer Hospital for radiation therapy.  Dillon did great, and he was very brave.  They sedated him with anesthesia because today's first radiation treatment took an hour.  After today, his treatments should only take about 10-15 minutes.  Afterward, the security van picked us up, along with his nurse, Dave, and brought us back to Primary's.  Dillon ate some lunch, and got back to work with his therapists.  Day one of radiation down, 29 more to go.........


  1. Kick butt Dillon. We can't wait til May 28 but probably not more than you can. We will be thinking about you every day. Love ya!

  2. Dillon you are a stud ..... Hang tough ..... Every single person in Ogden that knows you or your Mom and Dad is cheering you on! Lots of love - Wendy D.

  3. Good for u Dil you are amazing. Hang tuff. with all our love kisses, hugs and prayers..Aunt Judi, Uncle Jerry and Maxi
